Anyway, I started our official school year in time for opening of classes in the mainstream schools. Then, two days into it, Yakee got sick and we had to rest for two days too.
I was able to fix some sort of homeschooling nook after the first week, and it is still looking a lot like a dump but at least Yakee knows that's where he goes when it is homeschooling time.
So far, we have tackled the Creation Story... I guess it will be easier to document using the pictures I took.

We started with the Creation Story and ended that day with things a living plant needs

this is his recreation of my plant discussion

this is our discussion of what makes animals different from plants

this is our discussion of external parts and internal parts (that's his drawing! at least it's not a stick figure)

discussion of sense of hearing (used body parts to make the sounds)

sense of taste game... that's mineral salt, table sugar, muscovado sugar, olive oil
vinegar, ketchup, fish sauce, pepper
garlic powder, coco nectar (didn't have any bitters at home)
= we utilized the blindfold by playing a game where we'd go looking (grabbing) for someone, using our sense of hearing to locate a person, and sense of touch to identify the person =

our discussion of animal families and directions (I asked him to move his body parts in certain directions, then we later used his toy cars and wooden blocks for it... like move car over the bridge)

these are our exercise sticks and Yakee loves them so much...and I am beginning to see their potential for my own health

making Yakee spell words by jumping on the letters to spell them... when he complains of tiredness, I just let him lay out the cards (I try to alternate our activities accdg to big and small movements)

we used this storybook to discuss colors and the wonderful world God gave us... not pictured are the Magic School Bus Gets Planted (discussion of what plants need) and Halo-halo Ispesyal (discussion of color and tastes and what our body needs)

last Thursday, Yakee asked if we could study about dragons instead so I researched on them that night... Friday was also watch day so I was not at all feeling guilty to let him watch a 25-minute film (Puff the Magic Dragon), a short feature on a Komodo Dragon at the San Diego Zoo... and present a powerpoint presentation on Eastern (Chinese) dragons
I am trying to multi-task (say, in discussing about our bodies, I inject the religion, Science and Math subjects) to save time and energy, as well as make sure we have enough time and energy for other activities.
It was only last week (maybe because he got sick the week before that) that Yakee seems to have realized what homeschooling really means, and for the most part liked it. There was a day when he wouldn't stop thanking me... and he is always after me to start homeschooling him.
It also took me up to the second week to remember that we have books, and Yakee, for the most part, loves answering the exercises there. He even took the initiative to go over our clutter/pile of books and look for activity books I have bought over the years so they will all be in the same place.
We have also basically adjusted to some sort of rhythm so my son knows that there are times in the morning and afternoon when we have to do homeschooling. Unfortunately though, Yakee insists on additional time with me for play, the games while homeschooling does not count. I am starting to feel suffocated!
Yamee being clingy and trying to grab attention is also not helping but I have also gotten tips on how to address that (do something with the littlest one first so he will let you go better later).
Something about homeschooling allows you to really see your child's strengths and weaknesses better. I have to accept that Yakee may not have any future in art, haha, but that his hearing is also phenomenal, his memory sharp and he will do Math (because he is able to fulfill the prerequisites).
I have much to improve on and I keep praying that I will be more committed, as well as my sons.
By the way, I enrolled Yakee under TMA Homeschool. He is in Kinder now at 5.5 years old.
By the way, I enrolled Yakee under TMA Homeschool. He is in Kinder now at 5.5 years old.
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